The ABC’s of Alternators
There are numerous of parts in your car that can last a long time, but nothing beats the test of time like our alternators. Often we forget that they are even there, but the alternator is a very important part of every motor. It’s the part that converts power from the motor to electricity for your radio, to charge your battery, power your headlights, power windows and to send sparks to your spark plugs so that they can ignite the fuel in your pistons.
Alternator issues can sometimes be tricky to find, so today we want to you help you diagnose an alternator issue. First of all it’s important to understand when the alternator is supplying power and when your battery is. The answer is that both are working all the time, but your battery should only be providing the current when you initially start your car, then the alternator should recharge the battery of the energy that was used to do that, and power the car without the battery. That being said, if you’d like to do a very quick test, you can disconnect your battery after the car is running and see if your car continues to run. If it does, then you likely have a healthy alternator. If your car shuts off, then you know you need a new alternator. This is the quickest method of testing, but sometimes not the most convenient for everyone, and should always be performed with extreme caution as very high voltage and amperage is running through those wires.
If you don’t want to do that test, come in and let us do it. Or you can look for the following other symptoms. If your electronic features of your car begin to flicker or dim, such as headlights, radios, interior lights, then it could be a sign that your alternator is failing. It might be still providing a very small charge to your battery and it’s probably your battery that is compensating for the alternator, and if you wait too long and your alternator completely fails, well your car will simply shut off and you will need to get it towed. That’s why it’s very important to watch for these symptoms.
Another way to test your alternator is to measure your batteries voltage with and without the car running. Not running your battery should measure 12 volts with an voltmeter, and 14 volts when the car is running. Again, be very careful when doing and be sure you google how to use an voltmeter.
Alternators have been to known to last as long as 400,000km or even 15 years, and some just 5 years. It all varies by make and model and service provided. Bottom line, look for these symptoms and once they occur, don’t waste any time.
As always drive safe, and we hope to see you and your VW, Audi, Mercedes, Volvo, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Ford, GM, or even your Tesla the next time that you need some service. Tog Gear in London Ontario has been serving London and surrounding area for many years, and we love what we do. Come in and try us out! We’re an excellent alternative to the dealer for all your vehicles needs